"The Best Life for All Families Living with BOS"


What’s Happening

Rare Bears are BACK!

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Rare Bears are back!

Our partnership with RARE Science started a few years ago. We teamed up to launch this special gifting of RARE Bears to coincide with Awareness Day to help educate others about Bohring-Opitz Syndrome. RARE Science initiated the RARE Bear program in August of 2015. It has since grown to include over 700 RARE Bear Makers from around the world (they span 9 countries and 45 states in the US) that make up the RARE Bear Army.

In 2019, thirty BOS patients and families requested a Rare Bear. This program will be offered annually on April 6 to honor all BOS patients and angels. Each bear is carefully selected and matched with a child. Click the here to request your Rare Bear. Forms must be completed by May 6, 2020.

Taylor GurganusComment