"The Best Life for All Families Living with BOS"


What’s Happening

2022 BOS Financial Scholarship Application Open

BOS Scholarship Applications Now Available!

The BOS Foundation envisions that families will utilize scholarship funds to purchase: augmentative communication devices, iPads, Firefly products, sensory integration products, adaptive toys, van/car modifications, minor home modifications, and similar items that are intended to improve the life of the individual with BOS and his or her family. This list is illustrative and not exhaustive.

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Spreading Awareness of Bohring-Opitz Syndrome - Ultra-Rare Syndrome Celebrates Its Day in the Spotlight

For Immediate Release

Spreading Awareness of Bohring-Opitz Syndrome

Ultra-Rare Syndrome Celebrates Its Day in the Spotlight

This year marks the fifth annual Bohring-Opitz Syndrome (BOS) Awareness Day.  On April 6th, people from around the world will shine the spotlight on this rare disorder by wearing denim and gold, and engaging in other awareness events and activities.

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